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Rockies :: Kananaskis :: King Creek Ridge

GPS Track

Panoramic View South to Kananaskis Lakes area from first highpoint of King Creek Ridge. Mount Wintour centre left

Panoramic View South to Kananaskis Lakes area from first highpoint of King Creek Ridge.  Mount Wintour centre left

Trip Summary

May 14, 2021

King Creek Ridge is grand ridgewalk in spectacular surroundings.  Trip is feasible year round, but beware of avalanche prone west slopes when unstable snow conditions are present.  When I first hiked this trail there was only faint footpath;  nowdays there are several well-worn and eroded trails.  Views are nothing short of fantastic - see gallery.  When snow is gone in later part of summer loop - sort of - is possible by dropping east into King Creek canyon below Mt. Brock and Mt. Blane, then hike out following the creek.  This loop return became quite involved after 2013 floods that obliterated the Creek and made travel quite difficult - return the same way is better option.


Park at shoulder of Hwy40 just before K-Lakes turnoff, or -when open- in King Creek picnic area on east side of the road.  Trail starts at north side of the creek and is easy to follow.  After dipping in forest, it parallels the road in north direction without gaining much elevation for 10-15min, then turns sharp right and makes no-nonsense beeline to low point of the ridge.  There are some cairns and flags along the way but going is straightforward.  In shoulder season upper parts can be very muddy - poles, and even micro-spikes are great help.  After reaching ridge crest (1.5 hrs+ from parking) turn left and follow trail initially through forest then open grassy meadows across several highpoints. Final bit can be bit tricky if snow covered.  "Summit" is wide and offers fantastic views; if calm/no wind it will be hard to peel off.   Views of Opal Range are fantastic as well as imposing Mt. Wintour south, but main prize is sweeping panorama of Kananaskis Lakes area - see Gallery.  Return will be faster if coming back the same way.


Note:  After 2013 floods Kings Creek ridge became preferred approach for Mt. Hood scramble route.   Loss of elevation is major hurdle, but apparently better compared to Kings Creek trash.   I have not done Mt. Hood yet and will update this write-up if/when I do.



King Creek Trailhead King Creek Picnic area (R) by K-Lakes turnoff.  Ridge above, with both highpoints upper left.  Mt. Blane upper right
Ascent Slopes View back to K-lakes area at large clearing ~halfway up
Snowy Ridge Spine Snowy Ridge looking back near first highpoint on less-than-ideal spring conditions
King Creek Aerial View View down east side to King Creek;  in late summer when snow has melted and conditions are dry, this is alternate - but not recommended - return.  More importantly this is where one would head down if bound for Mt. Hood
Opal Range Opal Range rearing up with King Ridge end center left.  This final bit can be awkward if covered with non-supportive spring snow.  Mt. Hood upper right
North End King Ridge North end with views to normal Grizzly Peak scramble route (just right of upper center).  Packenham Junior grassy hill in between
King Panorama Panoramic View south from end of King Ridge, showing length of King Creek left
K-Lakes telephoto with dramatic afternoon cloudscape. Both lakes are still frozen in mid-May. Click to Zoom
Self-Indulgence Enjoying fantastic afternoon light from dry grassy area at first highpoint on return




Overall Difficulty D4 Steep ascent to ridge start with tight switchbacks.  Ridgewalk has one or two mildly exposed parts with final bit to north end requiring brief use of hands
Snow Factor S4 West slopes are steep and with unstable snow will present serious avalanche danger.  Ridge is usually snowbound till late spring with significant postholing
Scenery Opal Range and sweeping views of Kananaskis Lakes area with several distant Northover area peaks
Trail/Marking Good Well defined trail several branches and eroded sections below treeline
Suggested Time 5hrs Add ~1hr for optional return via King Creek
Elevation Start: 1575m     Max: 2430 m     Total: ~900m Distance: ~7.5km
Gear Full hiking boots preferred to light hikers.  Poles will help significantly on steep west slope.  Micro-spikes in shoulder season essential (both for ice and mud!)
Water Except for seasonal snow melt only water source is King Creek right at the start.  Carry 1-2L
Dog Friendly Yes Standard back-country travel precautions.  Grizzly bears frequent the area


King Creek Ridge GAIA MapKing Creek Ridge GAIA Map

King Creek Ridge Elevation ProfileKing Creek Ridge Elevation Profile