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Rockies :: Canmore and Bow Valley ::

Horseshoe Loop

GPS Track


Bow Valley Panorama from Muskox Bench Memorial Viewpoint

Trip Summary

Multiple Dates, last March 26, 2025


Nice loop traversing lower slopes of Grotto Mtn between Cougar Creek and ACC Clubhouse.  Popular with walkers, trail runners and mtn. bikers. It is more scenic than expected, and I tend to do it fairly regularly year-round.  Lower Horseshoe is more open with several super nice viewpoints, while Upper Trail is mostly under tree cover.  Trail is signed but direction - specially on lower Trail - can be confusing due to maze of criss-crossing Mtn. Biker trails.  You can't really get lost, but if in doubt download GPS Track Top of Page.  Specially nice is recent addition of "Muskox Memorial" - Wood Bench built by ACC with names of local Climbers that perished in the mountains over the years.   This is also best viewpoint of the day (lead photo).   Loop can be hiked in either direction;  I tend to favour CCW.   Horseshoe can also be used as link between Grotto Mtn.  Cougar Ridge and ACC trails.



Cougar Trailhead Cougar Creek Trailhead at Top of Benchlands.  Grotto Mtn above
Horseshoe Junction Lower/Upper Horseshoe Junction Table (Waypoint '2 - Lower Horseshoe', GPS download Top of Page)
Chair Viewpoint Cougar drainage from lower Horseshoe, one of nicest Canmore viewpoints.  Lady Mac above
Cougar Panorama Cougar Creek with Eagle Terrace residential.  Distant Rundle range behind
Lower Horseshoe One of several great Viewpoints along lower Horseshoe.  At one point there was wood bench here, but it's gone (March '25)

Lower Horseshoe Terrific Hiking, still on lower Horseshoe, approaching standard Grotto Mtn Trail. Muskox Memorial bench just right of center

Muskox Sign Muskox Table by the Bench.  More Details here
Muskox Bench Brand new Muskox Wood Bench with Engraved Memorial plaques
Muskox Memorial Memorial to people that perished in local mountains over the Years on Muskox Bench
Grotto Mtn Hiking standard Grotto ACC Trail towards Upper Horseshoe
Three Sisters Main Canmore landmark, Three Sisters, from ACC Trail just below upper Horseshoe.  Echo Canyon Junction below
Upper Horseshoe Closing the Loop on upper Horseshoe is mostly under Tree Cover




Overall Difficulty D1/2 Easy walking with couple of steeper sections
Snow Factor S1 Low elevation trail frequently bare in winter.  Icy sections possible
Scenery Bow Valley and Canmore area Peaks.  Pleasant Montane forest meandering.  Terrific Muskox Memorial Viewpoint

Very Good

Well defined with signed junctions/maps, but maze of criss-crossing mountain biker trails make some parts confusing.
Suggested Time 2-3 hrs Loop starting from Cougar Creek parking at top of Benchlands Trail
Elevation Start: 1380m     Max: ~1480m    Total: ~320m Round Trip: 7.5km
Gear Day hikers, even in winter.  Micro-spikes could be useful
Water No water source.  Carry ~0.5-1L
Dog Friendly Yes Watch for Mountain Bikers


Grotto Creek Canyon GAIA Map

Grotto Creek Canyon Elevation Profile