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Visitors 50

In this increasingly urban and overpopulated world natural untouched outdoors spaces are more important than ever. From Prairies, across Rocky Mountains to wild Pacific Northwest - this gallery attempts to showcase Canada natural beauty. It is a space for relaxation and fulfillment of person soul.
Snowy Alberta FoothillsLarch Season in Canadian RockiesBerg Lake and Mount RobsonMinnewanka to GhostGolden EarsGaribaldi LakeRed AdirondacksAlpine VillageFisgard LighthouseSilvertip PanoramaVermilion LakesPlain of Six GlaciersMaligne BoathouseThe Blue LakeAlpine PasturesRevelstoke BridgeMoraine LakeSouth East Lyell GlacierDolomite PassBeechey Marker