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Rockies :: Kananaskis :: Black Prince Lakes

GPS Track

Black Prince Lakes just starting to melt in early July.  By September usually only small puddle remains

Trip Summary

Multiple Dates, last July 8 '24

Delightful high Alpine Bowl flanked by Mt. Warspite and Mt. Black Prince at Spray Road west side.  First part is Black Prince Cirque Family Friendly Trail with old interpretive signs.  Adventure begins after leaving crowds at Warspite Lake north side, where Cirque trail ends.   In late summer easiest way across is simple walk on dried lake bed, as reflected on GPS Track (download Top of Page).  On my second trip in early summer I bushwhacked around left side following bits of trail and old flags, then after crossing lake inlet intercepted good trail that leads into Warspite alpine bowl - but apparently there is also trail circling west side of the lake;  suit yourself.   Only other potential route-finding problem comes soonafter:  Trail disappears crossing large scree plateau;  watch for cairns in order to pick it up on the other side. Rest is relatively straightforward;  be ware of resident bear that frequents the area, but appears to mind its business and not bother anyone.

After entering the Bowl above the Cascades (~1hr from Warspite Lake) Black Prince Ridge is reached by scrambling obvious Talus slope on west (climber right) side.  Any line works, but there is also faint trail branching off main trail near the lip of the Bowl.  Ridge traverse is highly recommended, specially if you arrive early enough when sun has not yet dropped below Mt. Black Prince.   From the low col at Ridge North side one can also climb another ~100m vertical for high-angle view till cliffs bar further progress.


Despite abundance of golden larches on Black Prince Ridge I believe Autumn is not optimal time for this hike;  as all main highlights (Warspite Lake and Cascades,  Black Prince Lakes) will be dry.  Try to come in early summer instead or as soon as snow has melted.

Going Further

There are 3 options I know all radiating from Warspite Alpine Bowl:

  • East Warspite Ridge:  Easy trash up wide gully from the Bowl, with great views of Spray Corridor.  See Gallery
  • Mt. Warspite:  Difficult rated Kane scramble.   Absolutely must be snow free - gully leading to col below summit block would be very dangerous with snow cover.  From Mt. Warspite one can also traverse over to Mt. Invincible, then descend back to Spray Road via east slopes leading to Gypsym Mine Road.  This is very advanced and difficult outing, but still in domain of scrambling.
  • Mt. Black Prince:  Mountaineering, requiring ropes.  From south end of Black Prince Ridge route drops into the cirque, then ascends broken cliffs.  This is technical and way above level of trips presented on this site;  I am mentioning it here for completeness only



Black Prince Trailhead Black Prince Cirque Trailhead just below Parking Lot on Spray Road West Side

Smith Dorrien Creek Trail crossing Smith Dorrien Creek few minutes past the Trailhead

Warspite Lake Warspite Lake at end of Cirque Interpretive Trail, full of water in early July - first reason why early summer is optimal timing for this hike.   Mt. Black Prince behind
Interpretive Post Interpretive Post #8 is good spot to leave Cirque Trail and start circling Warspite Lake.  In late summer one can simply walk across dried out lake bed
Warspite Lake Warspite Lake in early September, looking back - almost completely dry.  Kent Ridge in the Background
Log Jam Crossing Log Jam crossing of Warspite Lake Inlet in early July;  by September this is usually completely dry

Talus Field Crossing of large Talus Field approaching Warspite Headwall.  Watch for cairn on the far side to pick up trail again.  Warspite Cascades center

Black Prince Cirque View back Black Prince Cirque as trail climbs towards Warspite Bowl.  Kent Ridge center
Warspite Cascades Trail levelling off briefly crossing just below boulder field on approach to Warspite Cascades
Warspite Cascades Warspite Cascades fully flowing in early July.   Second reason why early summer is optimal timing for this hike
Warspite Cascades Warspite Cascades in early September - barely a trickle to fill water bottle.   Compare to earlier photo
Warspite Cascades View down Warspite Cascades in early July - great spot to fill the water bottle
Warspite Meadows Lip of Warspite Cirque, looking back with scattered snow patches in early Summer
Warspite Bowl Warspite Cirque - One of nicest high alpine bowls in K-country.  Mt. Warspite behind
Difficult rated Scramble Route up Mt. Warspite from top of bowl, indicated by approximate red line;  needs to be dry. Click to Zoom
Black Prince Ridge Foreshortened view up Black Prince Ridge scramble route - any line will work, but there is also rough trail extreme right.  Early September photo when everything was dry;  in early July '24 I found firm snow patches helpful
Warspite Cirque Snowbound top of Warspite Cirque from Black Prince Lakes Ridge after scrambling Talus field roughly center
Black Prince Ridge Panoramic view NE from start of Black Prince Ridge.  Wide gully on the other side of Warspite Bowl can be scrambled to Ridge center right for great views of Spray Corridor.   Kent Ridge left background
Black Prince Lakes Terrific Hiking on Black Prince Ridge with Lake just beginning to melt in early July
Dry Black Prince Same spot as on previous photo, but in early September - what a difference!  Just small puddle remains.  Mt. Black Prince above
Closer look at Black Prince Puddle further up the ridge
North Caiirn Cairn at North End of Black Prince Ridge.  This is logical turnaround Point, but one can also continue by scrambling down to col below then ascending opposite side for another 15 min or so for different perspective
Black Prince Col View back to Black Prince Puddle from North side Col.  Return back via the Ridge or by sidehilling grassy bench mid-center left




Overall Difficulty D3/4 Possible bushwhack and non-bridged stream crossings in early season. Steep Trail Sections below Warspite Cirque.  Off Trail Talus scramble to Black Prince Ridge. 
Snow Factor S4 Bowl above Warspite Lake would be dangerous avalanche trap.  Wait till snow has melted
Scenery Warspite Lake and Cirque.  Warspite Cascades, Mt. Warspite and Black Prince Lakes
Trail/Marking Excellent / Poor Wide family friendly trail with old Interpretive Signs to Black Prince Cirque.  Some bushwhack / routefinding around Warspite Lake, depending on season.  Trail disappears in Warspite Bowl.  Occasional Cairns
Suggested Time 5-6 hrs North end of Black Prince Lakes ridge return time
Elevation Start: 1740m     Max: 2370m     Total: ~800m Round Trip: 12km
Gear Full hiking boots much preferred for ankle support.  Poles recommended. Gaiters helpful
Water Warspite Lake inlet and Warspite Cascades; dries out by late summer.  Carry 1-2L, depending on season
Dog Friendly Yes Resident bear around Warspite Lake.  Standard back-country precautions

Black Prince Lakes GAIA MapBlack Prince Lakes GAIA Map

Black Prince Lakes Elevation ProfileBlack Prince Lakes Elevation Profile