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Visitors 8

Guatemala was overall the best Central American destination - I was simply overtaken by things I experienced. There were 3 major highlights:

1) Tikal National Park: Words can not describe it, and you simply have to see for yourself. These are not just few ruins near visitor center; it is instead jungle filled with ancient structures that look like they came right from Indiana Jones movies - and you have to hike to get there! Central Plaza is for ages, and I will always remember sitting there in dusk after tourist hordes have left, having it all to myself and transporting in thoughts to some distant times when Mayan priests were wondering here offering sacrifices.

2) Lago Atitlan. Hikers Paradise! I did only Indian Nose by recommendation of (awesome) tour leader, but it is worth staying in Panajachel for a week and exploring the Highlands

3) Old City Antigua - a UNESCO World Heritage Site. Photographer Paradise! Amazing Spanish Colonial Architecture including Santa Catalina arch - one of highlights of my trekking life.

I'd love to return to Guatemala sometimes and try to hike other volcanoes. This tour was largely cultural trip and there was simply not enough time for hiking.
Tikal Grand PlazaTikal Temple VJaguar TempleEl Nino and TurtlesCastillo De San FelipeHello SailorIglesia De Santo TomasGuatemala WomanChichi Market DetailChichi Market Day!Chichi Market Day!Chichi Market Day!Guatemala WomanPanajechel PierSan Juan ChurchSan Juan ChurchLake AtitlanPanoramic Lake AtitlanGuatemalan HighlandsPublic Laundry Fountain